I loved the suspense, loved the plot, loved the characters, but didn't like the gore or the fact that the vampires were almost invincible. Vampires aren't really my thing. But I will tolerate vampires, gore and other such nasties if I like the characters enough to care what happens to them. I instantly liked Badger, so I read enough of the book to let my respect for Cadence turn into fondness, and then I was hooked.*
I'm on page 36 of 'Enchanted' by Orson Scott Card, which is a retelling of 'Sleeping Beauty'.** It's good so far, even if there hasn't been a whole lot of action. It looks like things are going to start happening soon, but they'll have to wait for tomorrow. It's 10:12 PM, and my eyelids are wanting to droop.
*The fact that I was drooling over various gadgets by the 12th page helped.
**I've never been a fan of fairy-tales or retellings of them (they always seem shallow), but Orson Scott Card is a superb author, so I thought I'd give it a try.
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