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Bucket List

I suppose the first time I made a list of things I wanted to do before I died I was nine, maybe ten. At that point the list was half a page in the back of my math notebook and included things that I couldn't care less about now. Things on that list were crossed off, changed, deleted, and eventually last year I typed the list into the computer. 

I had forgotten about the list for a while, but last night I had a dream in which I died, and that brought my Bucket List to my attention again. I spent a little while today going over my list (which is about a 1.5 years old) and finally making a new one. It's rather extensive, and some of it is pure WANT. I wonder what I'll think of it this time next year... 
My Bucket List (in no particular order): 
  1. Write a book
  2. Publish a book
  3. Take up a martial art
  4. Learn to play the guitar
  5. Experience zero-g
  6. Learn to fly a plane
  7. Go whitewater rafting on the Buffalo River
  8. Learn to throw pots—well
  9. See the aurora borealis
  10. See Stonehenge
  11. See the Giza Pyramids
  12. See the Louvre
  13. See the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
  14. Visit all 50 States
  15. Paint
  16. Work /volunteer at the Ozark Folk Center
  17. Get a Ph.D.
  18. Join a Big Sister program
  19. Go to Rockport. Again and again. With the people I love
  20. Have a home with a fireplace
  21. Have my home be a place where people feel welcome and totally safe
  22. Adopt a child
  23. Watch a meteor shower
  24. Attend as many family reunions as possible. Plan them myself if I have to
  25. Learn how to ride a horse
  26. Visit Jerusalem
  27. Have a pet rat. Name him Professor Hamilton Dumbledore, Ph.D. for short
  28. Celebrate ‘Pi Day’
  29. Become a licensed psychologist
  30. Learn how to cook things other than breakfast and dessert
  31. Meet an astronaut
  32. Learn to play the hammer dulcimer
  33. Learn to play the fiddle
  34. Be completely vegetarian for two years
  35. Keep blogging for as long as possible
  36. Get married—to the right person
  37. Have at least two children
  38. Help people with autism become accepted and productive members of society
  39. Participate in a foreign exchange program
  40. Disprove Murphy’s Law—just once
So? What's on your Bucket List?