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The internet home of my friend, Brynne. Our blogs are knock-offs of each-other's in more ways than one. As she put it, "if one of us has an idea, the other is bound to come up with their own version".

The blog of a Baha'i, homeschooling mother of three, who works for an awesome kid's magazine, Brilliant Star.

"When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong."

Chewed End of a Biro Pen Station
The ramblings of your friendly neighbourhood Felix Felicis.

"Plowing through life in the country...one calf nut at a time."

Photos, unschooling, veganism.

Clean technology

"An idler's miscellany of compendious amusements."

Geek Crafts
Talk about crafts inspired by all things geek."

"Artistic snapshots of nature in all its beauty."

"Type, typography, lettering, calligraphy, and other related things."

"Concerned with the linguistic essence of names."

"Language-related musings."

The Story Man
Where Exir Kamalabadi scrutinizes every book and movie that passes his eyes for your pleasure and convenience."

Fascinating blog posts about writing, gaming and world-building. (And even though I might be sucking up just a little, these also are organized by author's last name.)

One of my favorite YA authors around. And his vlogs are awesome. The whole 'nerdfighting' thing is pretty cool too. ;)

Excellent fantasy, and she blogs about her cute kids, which always helps.

Her blog is highly entertaining, even though I haven't read any of her books.

One of my favorite mystery writers ever (tied with Elizabeth Peters and Dorothy Gilman) and all-around idol.

Writing, fashion, food, miscellany. What else could one want?

Footnotes and awesomeness abound!

He doesn't post very often, but when he does...

Ever so much fun with which to play.

Robots are secretly taking over the world, you know.

Once you know about it, you won't be able to stop trying to classify people.

A whole world most people don't even know exists.

Go check out their game section!

Where the urge to play God is channelled into something cool.


Mitch said...


I’m glad that I came across your blog. You have some very useful and interesting posts there. I will put a link to your blog from my site, if this is okay with you.

I help run a store called HiSunglasses.com; it’s not really a big one, but it’s getting there. Please have a look. If you could possibly place a small link of my site, that would be really great.

Have a great day and hope to hear from you.

Happy blogging,


L said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. Having a link from your site to mine would be great!

However, I don't put links on my site unless they are directly related to my content or I myself make use of their service. If the situation changes, I'll be sure to add a link to your site.

If, in light of this, you choose not to link to my blog, I understand.

Have a wonderful day!
