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bounce. bounce bounce

Good morning! I have exciting (for me) news today! Brynne of The Dragonfly Workshop and I will be playing the Letter Game with each other starting very soon, and we will post all of our letters HERE

Also, I will be seeing Brynne (and her brother, Carew) on Monday! And I will be staying with them for TWENTY-FOUR days! 

Now, I am going to go tour the Clinton Library. When I come back, hopefully I will be generously granted administrator access to the Letter Game blog so that I can mess around with it. Brynne and I have decided to handwrite the letters at least while we're together, and we'll type them in after we've read them. So don't be expecting a post on that blog for another few days. But I just had to share the news! 

Note to self: do not eat cinnamon rolls when very excited and then proceed to try and write without using exclamation marks. It doesn't work.