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totally awesome

I actually went to the Mid-America Science Museum with my cousin, Megan. And we had a great time! I have to admit that it was really, really fun to pretend to be eight and run around being excited about everything. Everybody should take some time and pretend they're a completely unselfconscious kid. 

You may (or may not) have noticed some nerdfighter-ly additions to my page, including new links in the 'Favourite Sites' section. This is in celebration of me finishing watching all of the 2007 Brotherhood 2.0 videos. YAY! 

And I'm trying to decide whether or not to continue reading "Enchantment" by Orson Scott Card. I'm 50 pages in and not thrilled. I'm not saying that it's a bad book, it's not, but it may just not be my thing. I don't like giving up on books! I think it's sad when I decide I simply don't want to read something. Probably because it implies the book is worse than cereal boxes, various warranties and copyright notices. After all, I read those.