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wordy word words

23 days of school left. 31 days until vacation. It doesn't sound like a very long time, but when you're stuck in school, waiting for finals to be over (they start the nineteenth) and have no idea what you're going to do next year, one month is a very, very long time. It has to be. Mom needs to get a job in that amount of time, we need to pack and move, there are grades to give out, papers to write, plans to make... and it all has to be done sometime within the next month. So in a way it's not as long of a time as it needs to be. Oxymoron, I know, but it's true.

Hah. My class has been studying romanticism and realism in literature... and realism is a dictionary, where romanticism is the feeling you get as you roll a word off your tongue, or the colours you see when you think of a word, or the implications of the word, which can vary from person to person, or the special memories you attach to the word... Words are so awesome, and SO undervalued...