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more lounging : )

I spent most of today lounging around as well. I'm going to Suzhou this weekend, so I wanted a bit of down time. I did get some writing done, and some other stuff that I'd been putting off until The Later That Never Comes, but I also spent some time just being bored. While I'm doing it, I make a point of telling myself how boring doing nothing is, and sometimes I even believe myself, but I still love to just sit and do nothing except think. Some interesting thoughts or memories came up today that made me smile, giggle, or want to sing at the top of my lungs.

I also spent a considerable amount of time just surfing the 'net. I've been (slowly) reading Do Life Right, a very interesting blog, even though at some times too healthy for me. 

Yes, I am vegetarian. I'm fairly flexible though. If I'm starving, and meat is the only thing available, I will eat it. If the food is going to waste, I'll eat it, meat or not. If I have a yen for steak (I do a few times a year) then I'll go for it--medium rare and everything. However, I do not usually like the taste/texture of meat, I do think being a vegetarian is healthier, and I KNOW it's better for the environment.