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quality in a square

I spent most of this afternoon and evening making backup copies of practically everything on the computer and making an image of the system... I wish I could hire someone else to do it.

I'm thinking about old friends. I made a list, and I've gone through, and there are 24 names on the list. I never really knew that I had so many friends. I'm only in touch with about ten of them, which is kind of sad.

I'm sitting here eating Ritter sport (it was on sale). I can see why it costs more than dove or Hershey's. Quality in a square...

In response to Brynne's comment yesterday, I was shopping for a new journal. I'm still horribly old fashioned and use a pencil and paper to record my thoughts and feelings. I had a stash of notebooks, but most of them got flooded in the typhoon. I plan on spending Friday morning decorating my new journal's cover.