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doggone skeeters

Does anybody know what "cycoris" means? I woke up with that word stuck in my head. I don't remember dreaming about anything like that, but it sounds like the sort of thing my mind would come up with.

There's no school tomorrow, since the torch is coming through Ningbo and they're closing all the roads.

It's so humid here that the tuning pegs on my violin won't fit into the pegbox. So now my all strings have dropped an octave and a half, and the strings are really loose. I would turn on the AC, but I'd freeze to death. So I guess I'll just have to wait until it gets a bit drier. Also, my canvas bag from the Stratford Shakespeare Summer Seminars, which sat in a drawer for three days, now has mold growing all over it.Ugh...

Dangit I just saw a 'skeeter.

I'm back. Layli one, mosquito zero. And it didn't bite anyone either. The first night Mom and I were in Ningbo, we killed something like 63 mosquitoes in one night. Hopefully I'll never have to do that again.

Thankfully, it's not hot here yet. The high has, so far, been 27 degrees Celsius, about 80 Fahrenheit. With a little luck, it won't hit 45 Celsius this summer like it did last summer. But I won't be here anyhow, so...