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Today I did something that was completely out of character for me: I voluntarily went out to shop. This is a major event, marking the beginning of a new age: the age of giggly girl-dom. Next thing you know, I'll be sitting with the the people who blow dry their hair every single morning without fail. Then, I'll start shrieking like them, and after a certain period of time, I'll be going to the mall every weekend, and that will be the end of the sane Layli.

I'm eating dried, sweetened coconut slices and listening to Ingram Hill. Can life really get much better? Well, yes it can. When I turn 18, Jessa promised that she'll take me to a concert. I can't wait.

I have no idea what to prattle on about next, so good night.


Anonymous said...

Come baaaaaaaaack! I want my Laylilililiiiiiiiii......!

Wow. What did you shop for? I'm going shopping today too. To the salvation army because I need some things. ha ha...I confess it IS a nice feeling to get things for so little money. ;)