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busy day

Today I went with Mom to the dentist. It was a gorgeous day, warm and clear with a balmy breeze. On the way it looked like bright yellow wildflowers were attempting to take over the world. Mom was convinced that they were a tea crop.

The dentist's waiting room was extremely pink and had that awful hospital smell, and I was there for two hours while they were drilling holes in Mom's teeth.

Then we went to another foreign teacher's house and I "stole" some of her beads to make a necklace with. Then I had a granola bar, two sugar cookies, a bran muffin and a slice of cheese for dinner. VERY healthy, I know.

It doesn't sound like a busy day, but it was, and consequently I was probably far too irritable for most of it...hopefully tomorrow will be better.


Anonymous said...

Hi Layli,

I like your blog! I was looking through your links and I read the thing about autism and how they think in pictures...I thought that was funny, because I think in words but every word has a picture associated with it. When I was very little, if I heard a word I didn't know, I'd automatically assume that the picture it brought to mind was what it was.

It is springtime here too! We have ornemental plum and cherry trees that are flowering like crazy! keep an eye out for photos on my blog.... ;)
