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lounging (Layli really should find something better to do)

I spent today just lounging around reading, writing, watching The West Wing, eating bran muffins et cetera.

I'm currently reading a fantasy series, The Belgariad, by David Eddings, which is very good, if not as inventive as some other authors in the genre. The characters are very endearing, and more than make up for the slight lack of originality in the plot.

On a marginally related note, I've been wondering if anyone has seen a list of all the alethiometer symbols from His Dark Materials and their meanings. By meanings, I don't just mean the first level of meanings, but EVERY SINGLE ONE mentioned in ALL the books. I'm a little too lazy to go back and find them all myself. However, I'll probably end up doing it on a very boring day or two.

I've got school tomorrow, so I'm going to go to bed.

Good night!