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Today for lunch Mom, some other teachers and I went to The Indian Kitchen and had an absolutely marvelous meal. Mom also made carrot cupcakes(with vanilla frosting), so food-wise I'm very happy. However, since I went to go see the University of Nottingham's campus here this morning at 8, I'm full and fairly sleepy. The main thing that I didn't like about the place (unsurprisingly enough) was the fact that all the buildings were brand new and very ugly. I want old, INTERESTING buildings! And a nice campus...

Anyhow. I'm still having to come to school to use the internet, since mine isn't fixed yet... And Mom wants me home by nine, so I had better get going. Hopefully tomorrow will be more fruitful and I'll have more time in the evening to blog. Till then...


Anonymous said...

I second the 'old, interesting buildings' idea! that's what I'm looking at east-coast schools... :P