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profound ramblings of my mind

Good evening, people! We had to write a poem for English class (finally, something FUN!) and I experimented with a new format: all the odd lines make one poem, all the even another, and then you read it normally. It worked out quite well, I was pleasently surprised. I don't have it here, or else I'd post it... maybe later.

I've been reading the "Adventures of Arthur Pendragon" and "The Keys to the Kingdom" form our library's fiction section, and I was surprised at a) how similar they are b) how well they've sold despite the fact that they're very similar and c) how well they've sold despite the fact that they're fantasy. Fantasy doesn't sell all that well, but I guess both these two series have enough advenutre in them to make them popular. That means they have just a bit too much draw-your-sword-and-fight-you-filthy-monster in them for me. Oh well, they were still amusing and slightly thought-provoking.

I don't know what it is about me-- I have interesting thoughts during the day, but I can't remember any of them when I'm blogging. Sometimes I'll remember everything, and other times I have a mind like a sieve.

Good night!