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Flowers! They make me so happy. Everywhere I look there are new types of flowery things growing. I was going to wait until we had a nice, clear day to take pictures, but I think I'll be eighty before we have a clear day... so!

There were some plants out there that I had never seen before coming to Ningbo, like this bush-like organism with fuchsia, droopy flowers.

They make me believe that spring is actually coming. Now if I can just steal a piece of blue sky to hang in my room during rainy days, I'll be very happy.

I was caught up homework-wise, but then my dictatorial (and decidedly not compassionate) history teacher just assigned us a project and a paper. Fun doesn't even begin to describe it. I'll survive, hopefully, but if I do it will only be by a hair. I despise history projects. They always are more trouble than they should be. The flowers cheered me up though. :)

Edit: I would just like to point out that the sky is white. Yes, WHITE! It's not blue, not grey, not clouds, just...blank. And it's generally fairly smoggy too. I find that very strange and slightly depressing.