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So, Walt Whitman walks into a bar wearing rainbow hippie pants...

I haven't shown you my awesomely nerdy hippie pants yet. I made them about two months ago. They started out as a pair of jeans that I didn't wear very often. Brynne slitted them at the front and back and added triangles of denim fabric cut from some other pants to make the flares very, very wide. Then I took a set of rainbow Sharpies (left over from my tie-dying efforts here and here) and wrote the first half of Walt Whitman's Song of Myself on them.

Those of you out there who have read John Green's Paper Towns will surely appreciate the reference, as the poem is a major plot point in the book.

Front view:
Side-ish view:


And the wonderful flares:

teh craftses

So. In my various perusals I've discovered this moste excellente website that makes me want to go and make some of the things shown. They just look so cuddly and cute. And geeky.

This will likely become a source for shameless borrowing and inspiration for projects to come.

Then there are these, which just make me laugh.

Now, I'm going to go crochet. Adieu!

P.S. LOLcat thrown in for good measure:


Above are two screenshots of my desktop. It is very steempunk-y.

And above is a screenshot of my new Firefox theme. It is lovely as well.

bemoaning the popularity of Twilight

More than ever, I'm shocked and a little bewildered at the popularity of Twilight, both the movie and the books. As someone who wasn't able to make it through the first book, I don't feel qualified to make judgements about it, but I have seen the movie, and therefore this video and article really hit home with me, and embodies the reasons for my disgust with the series. 

little Layli

Things that are found in the attic must be shared, don't you think? 

I'm assuming that you said yes. 

This is my first picture. I did have black hair for about the first three months. And big blue eyes. 

Everyone together now, aaaaw. 

Soon after this, my hair turned blonde. 

My parents called me Tweety. I can kinda see why. 

This is me wearing my traditional Canary Island outfit. 

I think this was the first time that I saw snow. 

Even at age three I was a cleanliness freak. 

I must say that's quite a lot of leaves for a little kid to be buried under. 

Conked out on the couch. And just about this time in the stack of photos I was starting to gripe about how much pink I wore. 

My mother did this to me. I have to say that the dresses are cute, but I'm not a fan of the matching. 

And again with the pink. 

My other nickname was 'Layli-bug'. 

I wonder what it was that caused me to make that face. 

And I love this picture of me, I really do. But notice the gap between my front teeth. What the dentist did to my teeth the year later is a pretty good story. I may tell it sometime, but not now. I wouldn't want to ruin the atmosphere. 


I promised to tell you all about Camp. 

...Sorry, I lied. 

But mainly only because Camp is one of those indescribable things. 

The other reason I won't be telling you about it (at least not immediately) is because I'm operating on three hours of sleep last night and no food all day. Were I to attempt to say anything more I'm sure it would be incoherent. 

Therefore I leave you for now to go eat, sleep and be merry.