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the death of my sheet*

A couple of days ago I decided to fake tie-dye my bottom sheet (I don't sleep under a top sheet because it gets tangled around my legs and then makes me feel like I'm caught in a net). 

Anyway, here are pictures of part of the process (which involved lots of Sharpies, rubber bands, rubbing alcohol, and plastic wrap). 


...the finished product. :D

It makes me happy. And the nice thing about using Sharpies is that you can use way more colours than you can with real die without it looking muddy, and you get more of a water-colour runny look too. I have to confess that I like it just as much as the real thing, maybe even more. 

But don't tell anyone. 


*I don't ONLY tie-dye so that I can make bad puns, I swear! 


Rose said...

Hi! I came across this while looking for some Nerdfighters stuff :) Your tie-dye sheets and shirt are awesome! Would you mind commenting back with a short explanation about how to tie dye with sharpies? I've looked elsewhere, but all the other sites say to stretch the shirt over a plastic cup to make circular patterns, and they don't look anywhere near as cool as your stuff. Thanks a lot!

L said...

Basically I tie the sheet up in whatever design I want (though I've found that more "open" ones, with more fabric exposed, that is) tend to work better. Then I colour on the fabric with different colour sharpies, usually one for each little block. When that's done, I pour rubbing alcohol over it, wrap the sheet/shirt/whatever in plastic wrap and stick it somewhere warm for ~12 hours. Let dry, and then wash in cold water to let the dye set.