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bemoaning the popularity of Twilight

More than ever, I'm shocked and a little bewildered at the popularity of Twilight, both the movie and the books. As someone who wasn't able to make it through the first book, I don't feel qualified to make judgements about it, but I have seen the movie, and therefore this video and article really hit home with me, and embodies the reasons for my disgust with the series. 


Xenon Oxide said...

Twilight caters to our lower nature. There is something in every teenage girl's instincts that draws them to the Edward types, and there is something in every teenage boy's instincts that makes them want to be Edward.

L said...


Let us join the fight against Edwards and Bellas everywhere, the fight that starts within and spreads, much like some kind of a bomb...

...And let's hope that the metaphor ends there.

Anonymous said...

Did you see that I posted the same video last week? :D

L said...

Yes, but not the article. :P