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I went to Hangzhou a couple of weekends ago, and in Hangzhou, this is what I saw: 

Cool twisty plants. I'm sure some guy has the job title 'Imperial Plant-Twister'. 

There were nice, spring-y trees. 

And flowers. 

All I can think of is that those buildings must have been cold in the winter. Good thing the emperor only used West Lake for his summer vacation spot, or else he would have died from pneumonia at the tender age of seventeen. 

And that sky? I don't have to go to Hangzhou to see it. 

This was our 'Pleasure Boat'. 

This was Gina and me being cold on our 'Pleasure Boat'. 


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures. I was checking for them and will have ? about details. Please post pictures of what you got in the bazaar in Xi'an. Au cm