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stalling, one, two, three...

Things to do online when you're bored/procrastinating (geek version): 
  1. make a blog (or three)
  2. watch Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
  3. go look at all the pretty stuff on thinkgeek.com
  4. browse mentalfloss.com
  5. browse omniglot.com
  6. browse The Omnificent English Dictionary in Limerick Form
  7. browse Mysterious Britain and Ireland's Encyclopedia
For some reason, my brain has been in a bit of a funk lately and doesn't want to concentrate on one thing for a long time, so in between writing papers, I'm doing all of the above. It's surprisingly addictive. 


Anonymous said...

Blogs are good.
Even when they're ripoffs of mine.
Dr. Brynne prescribes Dr. Horrible to cure all ailments.
That is all.


oh, and...recit! A whole new way to spell "receipt!"