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more housekeeping, and a QUESSY

Thank you so much for sending me that link, it was infinitely fascinating. I've added it to the sidebar, which is pretty much a culmination of the things I find interesting on the internet. I wish I could read your blog. Unfortunately, Wordpress blogs have been blocked (again) in China. However, I've bookmarked it to read when I'm out of the country. 

Thanks for stopping by, I'm glad you find what I'm rambling about interesting. I love your blog. :)

I've been thinking of writing a post about studying Chinese for a while now, and your comment was the straw that broke through the camel's reluctance, so keep an eye out for that post soon. 

I can't remember if I've told you this already, but I already use Inkscape and find it fascinating. Right now though, instead of using its calligraphy pen, I'm using FontForge, a most excellent font creation software, to work on making a (highly unprofessional but fairly functional) font for Malian, seeing as I already have a basic transliteration system in place. 

About your comment on my worldbuilding post, I agree with you that the Metaverse is awesome, and I use it for reference the most. However, all the other sites I linked to do give me ideas about different ways to do things, and I feel that looking at more than just one approach to worldbuilding is quite valuable. 

Now, a question (actually, several): I've been toying with the idea of posting some articles/stories/vignettes about China, Chinese, my childhood, my experiences in China etc. What do you think about that idea? Would you like to see it happen? Do you think it would fit in as part of this blog or should I start another blog dedicated to those topics? Please leave any suggestions, ideas, comments, opinions etc. in the comments. Thanks in advance! 


Anonymous said...

Go for it. I would love to see what you post. Auntie CM

Xenon Oxide said...

The world needs to know more about China. Go for it.