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in which I'm still slightly insane

Hey, what think you of the new layout? I think I like it. It's quite a change, though. 

I know that I probably lost most of my readers due to my last bought of craziness. I hope I at least have a few valiant souls left. In my defense, I was operating on about three hours of sleep. I can't defend Brynne though. Her behavior was inexcusable. (Just kidding!)Anyhow, now that I've had a good night's sleep, I'm slightly more sane. 

I apologize in advance if I don't get to blog regularly as I usually do while I'm here, because my schedule is a bit crazy (note: three hours of sleep is definitely crazy). Plus, there's really just not that much to say about what I'm doing here. I'm studying, I'm taking care of the most adorable little baby, and I'm eating a bunch of really good food. 


Alexander M Zoltai said...

I *Love* the new layout!!

As far as not having much to say about what you're doing--relating your relationship with your studies would be interesting, eh?

~ Alex from Our Evolution

Anonymous said...

I think your new layout is wonderful. a cm