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in which I link to thingies that can be helpful when writing (part I)

These are in my "Names & Generators & Prompts" bookmark folder. I love them, end probably couldn't live without most of them. 

Imagination Prompt Generator: This site generates random prompts that are good for blogging, journaling, or just to spark your imagination. 

NameVoyager: Visual representations of baby name trends starting in the 1880's. 

Behind the Name: I absolutely love this site, especially the random name generator, which is by far the best one I've found. 

What a Lovely Name: Another baby name site, organized in a very refreshing and intuitive way. 

Yafnag: Yet Another Fantasy NAme Generator. 

Seventh Sanctum: Any kind of generator your heart could desire. 

The Swami's Generators: Generators you've never even thought of, but without which you won't be able to live once you know they exist. 

Cult of Squid Name Generator: Yes, another one. I use them all. 

The Always Amusing Euphemism Generator: Exactly what it sounds like, and perfect for figuring out what your main character's batty great-aunt says. 

The Forge: A flash-based fantasy generator for names, places, creatures and spells. 

Let's Put Your Character into a Sticky Situation: Generates bad things that can happy to your character. The modern alternative to 'if all else fails, burn something down'. 

82 Writing Experiments by Bernadette Mayer: Perfect for breaking writer's block or inspiring poetry. 

The Surrealist: Generators and playthings galore. 

Language is a Virus: Links to everything and anything concerning writing, and plenty of generators. 

911 Writer's Block: Dial 1 for settings, dial 2 for characters etc. 

Serendipity: More generators, of every kind. 

Note: The author is not held responsible for time wasted on these sites.