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A bit of housekeeping: 

Dan: Thanks for the suggestions! I'll go see if the library here has them, even though I'm not exactly optimistic... 

Brynne: If I ever am interested in the Belizean national anthem, I'll be sure to ask you. 

I'm going to Hong Kong and Malaysia for Spring Festival holiday, and will probably not be posting from the 24th of January to the 12th of February. I say 'probably' because I will have my iPod touch with me, but posting from it is a pain, plus I'm going to be on the beach. I do promise to take photos and actually post them when I get back. 

I know I'm really bad at responding to comments (really, really bad, actually), but I'm curious as to who's reading my blog and what they have to say, so I'd appreciate it if you'd comment. I may periodically ask you questions, and I would like it if you answered, if only so that I don't feel like an idiot talking to myself. On my part, I'll try to post more regularly, and reply to comments promptly. 

I would like to take this opportunity to say: 
  1. If you have a suggestion, I'd be glad to hear it. 
  2. If you have a particular topic on which you'd like to hear me ramble, I'd be glad to oblige. 
  3. If you have any questions, I'd be glad to answer them. 
So, how did you start reading this blog? 


Anonymous said...

I read your blog because you're my best friend, of course.
And I lay awake last night with the Belizean national anthem stuck in my head. Oh, the pain...especially since I only remember ONE LINE of the first verse.