Prompt #1
My heart sings when...
The air smells fresh. When everything is clean. When I'm with someone amazing. When I can stay in my own little world for a while and straighten things out in my head. When I'm laying in bed trying to fall asleep, and it's quiet enough for me to imagine that I'm somewhere else. When I manage not to lose my temper at someone, even though I really, really want to. When I can have an intelligent conversation with someone.
Prompt #2
Do you hear yourself when you are speaking and really listen to what you are saying?
No. I usually know what I'm going to say for the split second before I say it, and once the words start coming out of my mouth, I start thinking about what the other person might say and possible responses.
Prompt #3
You are ten years in the future. Write a letter to your today self.
Dear Almost-Fifteen-Year-Old Layli,
I can't tell you what happens in the next ten years of your life, because if I did, it would change your actions, thus creating a paradox in which it would have turned out as I said, had I not told you. But take chances. Stop caring what other people think, or at least pretend to. The people who judge you have no right, and you'll find out who doesn't judge you. Keep the people who accept you around.
Plus, sanity is overrated anyhow.
Almost-Twenty-Five-Year-Old Layli
Prompt #4
What was a good high school memory?
Sorry, I really don't have one.
Prompt #5
When I look up at the sky, I feel...
Sad. Why don't people care more about the fact that most of China's sky is blank and smoggy?
Prompt #6
Is true love real?
Yes... and no. Even true love won't come to anything if both parties believe that relationships are effortless.
Prompt #7
How did you meet your closest friend?
- We saw each other for a day when I was seven, and we were both too shy to say anything to each other. Then, when I was thirteen she lived right up the street from me, and we saw each other every day.
- Talked nerd when I was seven for a day, spent quite a while when I was thirteen talking nerd.
- She babysat me when I was two and she was nine.
Prompt #8
What are you currently fascinated with?
Various forms of government.
Etymology of names.
The differences between cynicism and pessimism.
Prompt #9a
If I could trade my adulthood in for a second childhood, I'd...
I probably wouldn't do it.
Prompt #9b
Did you go camping? Tell about your experiences.
I've been camping at Devil's Lake State Park in Wisconsin, but I had a bad case of jet-lag and really don't remember much about it.
Prompt #10
If tears could speak to you, what would they say?
After you've had your cry, why don't we go do something that will either go towards fixing the problem or distract you from it?
P.S. The reason I'm blogging this late at night is because I've just been out to dinner with some of my mom's coworkers and then grocery shopping. I will spare you all the details of my torture.
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