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Gaah! Now I'm wondering what on earth possessed me to post that poem last night. I must not have been thinking straight. And to top off my sense of embarrassment, I spent most of today softly singing 'Another Postcard' by BNL. This caused a couple of people to give me funny looks, and one to ask outright if I was singing about monkeys. 

Moral of the story: don't go out when you have a silly song stuck in your head. 

And I figured out how to do a french braid on myself. I know, it's not that big of a deal, but it means that I have some way of putting my hair up and a) having it look presentable and b) keeping my bangs out of my face. My usual messy up-do thingy only satisfies one of those requirements, which means that whenever I go anywhere fancy, I have to be careful not to dip my hair in anything, because it's at the perfect dipping-length right now. 

And yes, the only reason I'm writing about my hair is because absolutely nothing happened today, including the (so far) un-arrival of my furniture.