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Yes, I finished the letter this morning and posted it. It's nice having it done. 

I've only recently discovered Journler, which I love so far. It's so much neater than just having .txt doc, and much easier to manage. 

Besides that, the furniture for my room that was supposed to arrive this afternoon is going to arrive tomorrow afternoon, which means that I'll actually be able to unpack. I'm sick to death of living out of suitcases and boxes. 

And I'm really tired. My nice couch is calling me. Hopefully tomorrow night it'll be a bed. 

Oh, and here's a short nonsense for you to laugh at while I sleep, since it's been a while since I posted poetry. Not all of it is this silly, I swear. 

I’m a writer, you see

It’s what I do

Cause there’s something inside me

That starts to brew


The words start forming

And they start bursting out

Until I have to surrender

And write or shout


Like today, for instance

I’m on my ninth doc

With eternity afore me

And no will to stop