It's been decidedly grey outside, matching my mood. But not grey as in depressed. Grey as in dark and cold and calculating. Perhaps slightly unemotional. I've never understood people who are all sunshine, who don't like rainy days and who don't understand 'grey', who are constantly emotional and illogical. While I have my silly days...
There's something about this kind of mood that always makes me want to listen to my 'Cold and Raw' playlist, which includes:
Blame it on Me-Barenaked Ladies
The Rainbow Never Came-Artisan
Hook-Blues Traveler
One By One-Enya
My Immortal-Evanescence
How to Save a Life-The Fray
Demasduit Dream-Great Big Sea
Take You Back-Jeremy Camp
High Hearts-John McCutcheon
A Million Ways-OK Go
Till Then-Red Grammer
Advance Guard-Seals & Crofts
Anyhow. You get the idea. For some reason, the word that pops into my head is 'raw'. As in,lots of raw emotion. And I guess that sort of fits my mood. My motto today would be something like 'Be honest and straightforward about it, deal with it, and get over it as quickly as possible. And don't let it interfere with your brain while you're at it.'
Your perception and verbal ability never cease to amaze me. Love, Auntie cm
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