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we tried to hold it back

So. I'm leaving on Thursday. In everything I do, I keep coming back to the startling realization that I'm only going to be with Brynne and Carew for TWO MORE DAYS. And I'm going to miss them horribly. I'm going to miss having them around pretty much all the time. And I'm going to miss seeing my friends in real life. Skype just isn't the same, not by any stretch of the imagination. 

Not that I'm griping or anything, I can't imagine having to live across the world from my friends and family and not have skype, it's just that recently I've realized how pale online communication is in comparison with face to face. Maybe it's the fact that online communication can only, at best, engage three of your senses. Or maybe it's just the distance. 

Speaking of Distance, HERE is a song that Brynne and I listen to when we miss each other, suitably enough called 'Distance'. Check out Reina Del Cid's other stuff too. She's really good. 

Have I mentioned that it's fall here? I have not. So I'm telling you now. It's fall in Pendleton, Oregon. I'm drinking in my share of cold, wind and blue skies, because supposedly it's still blazingly hot and humid in Ningbo. I'll find out for sure soon.