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Cat. On my keyboard, was. Now he's just on my right arm, which is an improvement. It means that I can actually type. What is it about these animals that allows them to divine what to do to annoy and enchant human beings at the same time? Because they do. Annoy and enchant me, I mean. And exasperate me. Come to think of it, annoying and enchanting equals exasperating, and I've always maintained that exasperation is a form of affection. 

There's actually something soothing about having a cat plunked down on your arm. Or maybe I just like it because cat is warm! And since I (still) have chills, a hacking cough and a sore throat, warm is good. Not to mention the fact that I'll miss having cats around when I go back to China. 

Despite my almost-cold, I'm feeling rather energetic and in a get-out-and-do-something-because-no-illness-is-going-to-get-the-better-of-me mood. Maybe I'll go for a short walk in a little bit. Unfortunately, I will have to look like a dork on my walk, because I'm wearing a winter sweater and still am cold. For some reason, wearing a turtleneck sweater in the middle of September is just dorky. And I just saw two people walk by in short sleeves. Waah. 

Maybe if I get out of the house, my headache will go away?