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We got back from Rockport this afternoon, and everyone's really tired, but I'm too hyped up to sleep right now. We drove for about 14 hours yesterday, crashed at 11 PM, got up at 3:30 AM and kept on going. It probably wasn't too bad, as far as long car trips go... We listened to All Things Considered (which I love) and Billy Joel on the way up, and I slept, listened to my iPod or completely zoned out on the way back. 

I have to confess that there was wireless at the library in Rockport, but... I didn't want to interrupt my vacation, which was awesome. Unfortunately, I don't have the cable for the camera with me here in Little Rock, so you don't get photos until later. Sorry. I know everybody was practically drooling to see Cape Ann. 

Now that my vacation is over... Well, tomorrow I'm going to officially end my (rather lengthy) break from my WIP(s). And I'm announcing this so that I actually will start contemplating writing tomorrow. Or else it would be very easy to put off. So, tomorrow my goal is to know what's going to happen in the next two chapters. My plots tend to be more 'the grand scheme of things' and I'm having trouble figuring out exactly what I want to happen in each chapter or scene that I write.

 So, I need to at least get going with the organizational part... And hopefully I'll be able to write on Monday without having to constantly stop and figure out what's going to happen. I usually have to opposite problem, where I want to cram too much in each chapter, so I've had a hard time dealing with the feeling that I don't know what's going on. Which I don't. 

And is it really necessary to have a Cracker Barrel every other exit between Memphis and Knoxville?