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we're moved

We're moved*. YAY!

Also, we (well, me) have figured out how to get the visas in the States without having to go to D.C. Double YAY!

So we're thinking of getting to the States around the eighteenth of this month. Triple YAY!

I saw the new apartment today, and it's bigger than I expected it to be. And my room is bigger than the one I have now. I'll actually have room to walk around the bed. Woohoo!

Unfortunately our microphone is leaking static instead of words. How utterly annoying, since Brynne and Carew are back from Camp and I can talk to them! It was working fine before they got back**.

I'm going to go forage some lunch. Wait, Mom's out like a light. Forget food.

Oh, I've decided to look for three stuffed tigers, just so I can name them Tigris, Mesopotamia and Euphrates.


*It took a bit. The movers were supposed to come at eight, they got to the (old) apartment at six thirty. Of course, we weren't there. We got to the apartment at a quarter to seven, only to find that the door was broken, and we simply could not get in. The guard told us firmly that nothing could be done about it until nine. Mother was not pleased. So the guard called his supervisor, who then called his supervisor (how many supervisors can there be?!) and tried getting some of the neighbors to come down and open the door (it was the main door to the whole complex that wouldn't open...of course), because the door could open from the inside but not from the out. Finally, one of the movers easily (it took him about thirty seconds) climbs up to the second floor, through the window above the landing, walks downstairs and opens the door (now why didn't we think of that?). Breaking in is so easy. Then there was the minor detail of making sure the movers didn't move some of the furniture that came with the apartment, and then we got a little lost... but we made it back around eleven.

**Literally. Two hours after Brynne wrote on my facebook wall (I got the feeling that I should check facebook--I usually don't), the mic started doing strange things.

About the visas: for the two Z (working) visas, we're going to UPS our passports to San Francisco and have a travel agency do them for us, but we can't leave until we have Mom's new foreign expert's certificate which we need in order to apply for the Z visa.


Daniel said...

That's awesome you're taking a trip back to the States soon! Enjoy!