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Landscapes 2.0

I have two fetishes: earrings and cyber eye-candy. I bought a pair of (pottery) earrings when I was in Mountain View, so that part of me is satisfied. This morning, I was searching for something else online (I truly can't remember what) and found Landscapes 2.0

Landscape photos really make me drool. If I see one, I immediately have the urge to 
  • go see the place for myself
  • daydream about the place
  • imagine myself in the photo
  • write about the place or
  • write something set in the place the photo was taken (I hardly ever use writing prompts, but if I get stuck, I'll often browse through eye-candy I've collected. I also collect photos of interesting people to use as characters. )
I just wish that the site told you where every photo was taken. Other than that, I think Landscapes 2.0 is awesome!