My Uncle Joshua is getting married on August 16th. I had a (small) heart attack at the thought of finding wedding clothes. Today, I found a brown skirt with flowers on it that I can wear with a red shirt and black ballet flats I already have (the skirt has little streaks of black, so I think the shoes will be alright). And some of the flowers on the skirt are outlined with little beads and/or sequins. Gasp! I'm wearing sequins? My excuse is that there aren't very many sequins on the thing, and it's a wedding. Anybody should be allowed to wear sequins to a wedding. And that is that.
And today I got a thick, hefty package from Savannah College of Art and Design. It includes a letter (Greetings! Thank you for your interest in Savannah College of Art and Design. We take great pride in preparing students like you for blah blah blah), a magnet with tour dates and their website on it, a "Application for Admission" which has everything I would ever need, were I actually considering applying, and a magazine/brochure thingie that has 320 pages. Needless to say, I'm not planning on reading it. Some of the photos are pretty though. Maybe I can cut it up and make a collage? At least that'll be doing something useful with it.
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