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I was writing something else today and had to find the exact definition of Asimov's Zeroth Law. I got a bit sidetracked and found this. The hardcore sci-fi fan in me is fascinated by robots and Asimov's laws. I haven't read the Foundation series yet, because I can't find "Prelude to Foundation", and I absolutely have to read books in order. Maybe this summer, if I have time...


Anonymous said...

actually, "Prelude" was written long afterwards, and gives stuff away, so I would recommend starting with "Foundation".

Besides, "Prelude" isn't nearly as good.

Daniel said...

Forget about "Prelude." I agree with Brynne. You'd be worse off starting there. Start with "Foundation." You're gonna love it! All the Foundation books are awesome! I've only read through "Foundation's Edge," the fourth one, and I haven't read Prelude. Start with Foundation. So awesome!