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as if my last post wasn't enough...

To make sleeping draught, you will need the following:
  • one half cup of rubeber roots, chopped
  • seven rhododendron leaves, crushed
  • one pinch of rosehip, dried
  • seven yellow rose buds, picked on summer solstice
  • seven drops of rose water, optional
  • one cup of soy milk, dyed purple
Let soy milk come to a gentle boil, add rubeber roots, rhododendron leaves, rosehip and rose buds, stirring occasionally. Then, use eyedropper to add rose water (for potency) one drop at a time, stirring counterclockwise seven times after adding each drop. Let simmer for seven minutes, then age in a cool, dry place for seven weeks.

Let it be known that the number seven has for ages been regarded as the number of mystery. But there shall be mystery no longer. When I was shopping at the local hypermarket, I walked by a pile of rubber boots, and above the display was a (rather large) sign that said "RUBEBER ROOTS". So my strange brain immediately thought Harry Potter! and went off making things up.

When I was buying grape juice, I noticed that the orange juice and Raid were sitting right next to each other on the same shelf. Mmm, how delicious! Nice little bug repellent with your breakfast?

Also, the Chinese don't seem to quite have figured out that you're supposed to actually sell the items you have pretty pictures of. They have huge posters with chocolate chips on them in the candy section, and by the fish they had a picture of lox! How dare they! Now, usually I hate fish with a passion, but when it comes to lox, well...