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thoughts on keeping batty

Took a break, started browsing blogs. Blogs are, like I've said before, VERY fun. I'm to December tenth, '01 on Holly Lisle's, and am also reading A Librarian's Guide to Etiquette, which I find highly amusing, as well as instructive on how to keep batty.

"Batty" as a nickname for me has quite a few meanings. In Chinese, the word for bat is 蝙蝠 biānfú, fú for short, which has the same sound as the Chinese word for luck or prosperity, 福. Therefor, a lot of Chinese traditional art, especially from the Bai and Yi minorities feature bats, which I think are both cute and cool (but I like rats as pets, so...). Every time I see something with a bat on it, I tend to get overexcited and want to spend ridiculously large amounts of money on it, so some of my Chinese friends started calling me "Bat". Mom found this to be HIGHLY entertaining (I have no idea why), and began to call me Batty. *resigned sigh*