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must pack/don't want to

Wrote 1005 words today (so far) and I'm pretty happy with it all. This is my fifth rewrite, and I'm hoping that it'll be the last.

Mom and I played rummy 500 last night, and I clobbered her by 230 points. Since we played rummy all night instead of packing, I have to pack today. I'm really, really not looking forward to it. Carew says, "Quit dragging your heels, Layli!" but... Packing is Not Fun. Unpacking is fun. Unfortunately, it has recently come to my attention that you can't unpack without packing, so (sniff sniff) off I go.

Then maybe I can write more with a clear conscience.

I didn't do much packing, I haven't gotten anymore writing done, but I did bake muffins for breakfast (at 2:00 PM, but breakfast nevertheless). Along with the muffins, I had some smoked tofu and lettuce leaves dipped in ranch dressing. I also snacked on some cheez-its (don't tell Mom!).