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More than half way through semester exams, I'm developing a head cold, shingles and irritation. Ugh. On the plus side, two more days of school left, and Mom finally accepted the Nottingham job. That's actually VERY good news. It's such a relief to know what's (maybe) going to be happening next year. *

I'm embarking on the daunting quest of reading the archives of Holly Lisle's Blog. Starting right from November '01. I love blogs. They're just like people, each has its own flavour and quirks. I like all people as abstract concepts--their motives and thoughts and reactions fascinate/disgust/astonish/amuse me, or do all at once. It's only when I have to actually deal with some of the people that they burn me out or make me want to scream. But I haven't thrown anything at anybody for quite a while now. I must be getting positively tame!

*What an awkward sentence! And yes, I do read Robin McKinley's blog. It's also fantastic.