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teeny little rant

Hmm... Today was so incredibly boring. And draining. I think I've said this before, but school stinks. Not only do I not learn too much, I spend my brainpower trying to amuse myself during class. Today, I counted the number of bugs in my biology classroom. Then I started to mentally calculate two to the power of twenty two, but got distracted and started thinking about prime numbers.

It was raining during phys. ed. so we ended up doing circuits in the gym. It got really hot and sweaty after a while. I was surprised by the number of people who did ANYTHING to get out of having to do a few push ups.

I'm tired... I should go to bed... But I hate missing part of the day... But if I don't go to bed I miss part of the next day because I'm so tired. I just can't win :(

Good night.