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Today was nice and relaxing. I talked to Brynne and Carew for about three hours this morning, and I went swimming with Mom this afternoon. The water at the pool was really nice, warm on the top and cold on the bottom. I haven't been swimming since October, because I always found something else I was supposed to be doing... Now that I've gone once, it feels like summer though :)

It looks like I'll be going to visit Brynne and Carew this summer (YAY!) but I won't know anything for sure until Mom gets a job and we get my visa straightened out. Ojalá that it won't be too much trouble, and hopefully I can go to Camp too. That might almost be wishing for too much though.

Hah. I just realized that I look extremely like a hippie right now: after swimming I changed into a tie die T-shirt and a turquoise skirt with purple and green tie died around the bottom. Peace, dudes!