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Well, since it's Earth Day, a classmate and I got into a very little disturbing little conversation about being vegetarian that went pretty much like this:

Classmate: All animals kill other animals and eat them... even chimpanzees.

Layli: Then if we kill animals, won't that make us just as bad as them?

Classmate: Well, we ARE animals.

I just found that last statement very VERY disturbing in the sense that there are people who think they're animals, and they think it's permissible to act like animals... And that scares me. It just plain scares me to have people walking around this planet who I think are perfectly sane and all of a sudden have them say very casually that we're actually all animals! Aaaaaaaah! Panic!!

Anyway. In the afternoon we had a walkathon, and I got two little hobbits from the nursery class and we did two laps before they went back to class. And they were SO cute. I wanted to steal one... But I resisted temptation admirably, so by now they should be safely at home...