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Well, I have finally decided to start (and, with a little self-discipline) maintain a blog. The main reason for this epochal decision is this: I want to have a record of what I thought and felt when I was 14. This blog will be interesting for me to read ten years from now, and if I don't start a blog sometime soon, 24-year-old me is going to wonder why in the world didn't I. So I figured I might as well...

Of course, having a blog is the height of egotism, but...who cares? An egotistical person probably wouldn't have to talk herself into starting a blog, but I wouldn't know, since I'm the least egotistical person I know.
I had better warn you that some mornings I forget to take my anti-sarcasm and -irony pills.

Mom is asleep, she really is overworked at this school. Hopefully the next job, whatever it ends up being, will be easier on both of us.

I should sign off now and take a shower since I have school tomorrow.
I meant to write a bit before bed, but this will have to count as my writing for today. Unless I can't sleep, in which case I will end up writing a LOT more.

I'm going to aim for the stars and tell myself to update this blog every day, even though we will all be lucky if I post twice a week. If I don't post as often as you think I should, you all have my sincere apologies.
