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We're leaving for Camp (with a capital C) this morning. I will not return until July 3rd. 

I promise to tell you all about it when I get back. 


"Winter Moon" covers

So. Aunt Sarah is printing hard copies of her latest novel (which has yet to be published) and asked me to design the cover.  If anyone wants to order it you can contact Sarah at dr.sarahwoodbury -at- gmail -dot- com. The horror ones were just for my own amusement, but I've included them anyway. 
These first two I love, even though the second doesn't quite fit the tone of the book: 

The next few are horrific:

And she ended up picking this one: 

My absolute favourite: 

The end. 


I've been crocheting like mad, reading the Bartimaeus  trilogy by Jonathon Stroud, watching Angel and lazing about lately. Sorry for the lack of blogs. I'll let you know if I do anything more interesting than that.  

as if there's a chance you didn't notice...

Yes, there's been a redesign. And that little dreamcatcher by the blog title is the logo that I spent quite a bit of today on. I think that it turned out surprisingly well, given that it's the first thing I've tried to draw on Inkscape (which is lovely) that isn't a map. The text is set in Zapfino

And I've always liked the look of a black background, so we're going back to that for a while, and I hope it's not hard to read. 

Layli and the technicolour dream shirt

One of my nerdfighter shirts was getting grey and gross, so I decided to 'tie-dye' it with Sharpies. 



Unfortunately, the lettering is kind of hard to see, because I didn't know what Sharpies would do to fabric paint. If I could have, I think I would have dyed the shirt first and then chosen contrasting colours of fabric paint, but I'm still quite happy with my shirt. 


I'm only popping (bopping, popping, what's the difference?) in here to tell you that I've been reading madly this past week and that anybody who hasn't read anything by Terry Pratchett should go and read some of his Discworld books immediately, and that anybody who hasn't heard of Diana Wynne Jones should go and remedy that sad state of affairs. 

Now I'm off to decide which book I want to read after I finish The Merlin Conspiracy by Diana Wynne Jones. :)

*You're supposed to say "bop" before I finish! 

the death of my sheet*

A couple of days ago I decided to fake tie-dye my bottom sheet (I don't sleep under a top sheet because it gets tangled around my legs and then makes me feel like I'm caught in a net). 

Anyway, here are pictures of part of the process (which involved lots of Sharpies, rubber bands, rubbing alcohol, and plastic wrap). 


...the finished product. :D

It makes me happy. And the nice thing about using Sharpies is that you can use way more colours than you can with real die without it looking muddy, and you get more of a water-colour runny look too. I have to confess that I like it just as much as the real thing, maybe even more. 

But don't tell anyone. 


*I don't ONLY tie-dye so that I can make bad puns, I swear!