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an adorableness overdose

Taran and I played around with my webcam yesterday. 


The looks on our faces are freakishly alike: 

The attack of the velociraptor-claw air-quotes: 

That is all, folks. 


  • I keep forgetting that dishwashers exist and do all my dishes by hand. 
  • I randomly burst out into bits of Chinese and expect people to understand me. A couple of times, I haven't even realized that I was doing it. 
  • When people talk about temperatures, I assume that they are talking in Celsius. 
  • I do a double take when someone says a Chinese place name incorrectly, because it's sure to be a "foreigner". 

Windstock '09

Windstock was awesome. If you want photos, you should look HERE. The above photo was stolen from there. It belongs to the venerable Chad Booker, not to me, as do all the photos there. Got that? 

I managed to avoid the camera really well, so there are only a few pictures of me in there. I'm going to post those here, since this whole blog thing is really only to feed my (already huge) ego. 

Without further ado...

Me, looking tired and trying to concentrate. 

Me, with Alonso, Brynne and Carew sitting on the bench under the window on the left. 

From front to back in the first row, Carew, me and Brynne. This was right before the talent show. 

I'm at the far right, sitting on the floor. Brynne is sitting behind me on a bale of hay, and Carew is next to her, half cut out of the picture. (That must hurt!) 

The obligatory group photo (or two). Hint: I'm wearing the same hat as I was in the last two photos. 


This afternoon, Brynne, Carew and I are going to a Baha'i youth retreat called Windstock. I'm excited, but also worried because I won't be able to shower for four days. Eeeeep. I don't think that I've gone for longer than three days without a shower in the past five years. 

Hopefully the dirt won't kill me. 


I know that it's been six days since I've blogged, and I don't even have a good excuse. 

I have started a new story, but I have a bit of a writer's block. I'm going to see if I can work through my plot today, and if I can't I'm just going to try and plough through it. It's making me grumpy. *grumble grumble*


I'm done with the 'about' page, and have also added a cast list, because all those people are hard to keep track of. Both are linked to at the top right of each page. I've also updated the archives, because I forgot to last month. 

Hopefully I'm back for good. 

whining, because I'm such a whiner

I've been a horrible blog-mistress. I'm sorry. In my (lousy) defense, I've been both busy and sick. 

I took the SAT, got a nasty virus, took challenged the AP English exam with said nasty virus and then crashed for three days. Just when I was starting to feel better (read: yesterday), I started getting hay-fever from willow and cottonwood flowers. 

The allergies are ticking me off more than anything, because since things in Ningbo bloom about a month and a half before things here in the Pacific Northwest, I've already paid my allergy dues this year. 

A week ago, Brynne and I tie-dyed. I feel like an even worse person for not posting photos, but they're all on her camera. (Also, all the pictures of me are baaaad.) I may just have to get her to take more when she gets back from Districts (tennis). 

My goal today is to update the 'about' page since it sorely needs it. Please don't go look until I tell you it's done.