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whining, because I'm such a whiner

I've been a horrible blog-mistress. I'm sorry. In my (lousy) defense, I've been both busy and sick. 

I took the SAT, got a nasty virus, took challenged the AP English exam with said nasty virus and then crashed for three days. Just when I was starting to feel better (read: yesterday), I started getting hay-fever from willow and cottonwood flowers. 

The allergies are ticking me off more than anything, because since things in Ningbo bloom about a month and a half before things here in the Pacific Northwest, I've already paid my allergy dues this year. 

A week ago, Brynne and I tie-dyed. I feel like an even worse person for not posting photos, but they're all on her camera. (Also, all the pictures of me are baaaad.) I may just have to get her to take more when she gets back from Districts (tennis). 

My goal today is to update the 'about' page since it sorely needs it. Please don't go look until I tell you it's done. 


Xenon Oxide said...

I'm sorry to hear that. I've taken a quite important exam with a stomach flu once. It was horrible. I kept wanting to rest my head and just fall asleep, asleep, asleep... *Shudders*

PS. What's tie-dying? Is it literally dying a tie?

L said...

The exam wasn't too bad, beyond that I have no sense at all of how I did.

Wikipedia, while not being the most accurate encyclopedia in the universe, does have an ARTICLE for everything, and I'm pretty sure that this one does not say anything stupid.
