...I started in the garden. There was okra, and okra flowers with beetles on them:
We had some for dinner, it was very good:
There were green-beans:
And green tomatoes:
And cabbages as big as my head:
And zinnias:
And...skulls?! Who's been tampering with my pictures? Oh, wait, I took that, after I made sure it wasn't going to eat me.
Anyhow, there was a skull, with lots of teeth:
Now, tell me that eye isn't looking straight at me.
The koi pond is home to who-knows-how-many giganamo fish.
And did I tell you that I got a haircut?
And that I then was impaled on a pitchfork, died, and turned zombie?
I didn't tell you? Oh. Sorry for the surprise.
Then my mother buried me under an abandoned barn. Amen.
There wasn't any room for my corpse in the not abandoned barn.
I walked on, blatantly ignoring the 'no trespassing' sign.
And on and on I go, seconds tick the time out. There's so much left to know and I'm on the road to find out... (Then I started singing Cat Stevens.)
The road goes ever on and on, down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the road has gone, and I must follow it if I can. (Then I pretended to be a Hobbit.)
On the way, I tried not to step in this:
Or that thing in the right-hand corner over there:
And definitely not in this stuff:
Then I paused to take a few photos of myself.
I couldn't resist making funny faces.
Aww, I'm so sad and unloved. Won't somebody take me home, pet me and give me a saucer of milk? Oh, wait. I forgot I'm not a cat. Never mind then.
There were hoof-prints in the mud. The hooves belonged to cattle.
Then there was a barbedwire fence in the middle of the creek. I climbed over it. However, in trying to take a picture of it, I got my butt wet, so I'm not sure that there was that much purpose in going over rather than under.
Ah, lovely cattle, all lined up and posed.
And I managed to keep the dog, Lil Bit, out of the cattle spectacularly.
The cows ignored me when I flapped my arms and yelled as I ran towards them. I don't blame them. If anyone else had been there, I would have pretended not to know myself too.
Hey, Lil Bit. How about you look at the camera instead of the cows, huh?
And another abandoned barn. They're like castles in the UK, except I'm not sure that a dilapidated barn tour has quite the same appeal as a castle and ruins tour. Oh well.
And what is it with people leaving farming equipment just lying about?
And this concludes our tour of Osage, Arkansas, home of Osage Clayworks and shameless plugs.
Your earlier pictures of your new haircut look almost like you also colored it.
...I trust you didn't color it?? :O ;)
Very cute though.
Didn't dye it, I swear. Must have been the light.
Glad you like it!
And now I'm going to let it grow out.
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