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culture shock

Culture Shock. I have the beginnings of it, because for the first time in my life since I was five, I'm looking at America with the thought of living here. 

Here is the start of a new label, and probably a new ongoing theme. 

Day 1: 

Things are often too sweet or too salty. It makes me wonder what else is in the food. 

I feel tiny. As someone who is 5'8" and 108 pounds, in China I'm usually one of the tallest people in a group, and somewhere on the medium to thin side, definitely not absolutely miniscule, which is how I feel here. 


Deborah Teramis Christian said...

Trippy. Spring's a good-energy time for big changes, I think. I look forward to reading about what things make you feel culture-shockish. That's an interesting thing to experience.

and about the food: yeah. It's probably wise to wonder about what else is in it. You're not alone in that, and of course that's why organic grocery stores etc are so popular these days.

Happy transitions to you!

Felixaar said...

Wow! I gotta go to China and laugh at people.