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on government

It seems to me that many people are under the impression that America is a democracy, and I don't understand why. America is not, and never has been a democracy. It is a republic, meaning that instead of people making the decisions, they choose people to do it for them. 

Do I believe in democracy? No, not really. 

Let me explain myself. I don't believe that the average person should decide how to run a country. I don't believe that the average person has enough time to devote to making informed decisions on every single issue. And I believe that people are generally kind and compassionate, but I don't trust them to make objective decisions when it comes to issues that affect themselves, even if they are well-informed. I think everyone should vote for someone smarter and more compassionate than them, whom they can trust to have the best interests of society at heart. 

The end of opinionated post. I promise to get back to water buffalo and illegal satellite dishes soon.