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The flight from Shanghai to Atlanta was long, something like fourteen hours. At least I slept five hours though. I think it's the longest flight I've ever been on. Tokyo to O'Hare (Chicago) only takes eleven. I also get to add Atlanta to my only-seen-the-airport list. Anyhow.

I wasn't in the mood to read at all (really!). I had "To Kill a Mockingbird" which I have to read for school next semester anyhow, and "The Lady in White" by Wilkie Collins. I brought it along because I absolutely adored "The Moonstone". But I have yet to start both of those books.

The flight from Atlanta to Fayetteville was nice. I stared out the window the entire time. The sun went down just as we were taking off. It was stunning, and then as soon as we left the Atlanta area, it started pouring rain, and we got a lightning show through thunderstorm clouds. That was gorgeous as well.

Unfortunately, 'Aunt' Amy and Jessa had a hard time getting to the airport to pick us up. We got to Osage though, around midnight, and promptly crashed in Jessa's bed (It's actually soft!). This morning we went to Baha'i school and then had Mexican food for lunch. It was really nice to get to see everyone. Then, Aunt Amy, Mom and I hit the Good Will in Springdale. I got five shirts, even though I really needed pants more. This shopping trip was really long, though not quite as boring as I had anticipated. I don't particularly enjoy shopping.

I have, however, noticed that my taste in clothing has gotten a little more girly-ish. Or at least less plain. I no longer insist that my shirts have absolutely nothing on them. Some of the designs are quite nice, surprisingly enough.

I didn't go down to the Shop today, but I plan to tomorrow. I'll take lots of pretty pictures of everything (the dogs, the cat, the shop, the pottery, the people etc.) and post them later.